Check this for using RLE compression. Works only for the images having 16 or 256 colors.
.topic 130
The number of colors in the image.
.topic 140
Displays transparent color.
.topic 150
Click Wizard's button and select a transparent color by the eyedrop.
.topic 160
Check this if you want the output image to be a grayscale (black & white) GIF file.
.topic 170
Check this if you want to output an interlaced GIF. An interlaced image enables a browser on a slow communications link to generate a low-quality image quickly and gradually improve the displayed quality as more data is received.
.topic 180
Check this if you want the output image to be a transparent.
.topic 190
The number of colors in the image.
.topic 200
The quality of the compression.
.topic 210
Monochrome (black & white) icon/cursor.
.topic 220
Standard icon/cursor.
.topic 230
Icon/cursor having the enhanced palette.
.topic 240
Width of the icon/cursor.
.topic 250
Height of the icon/cursor.
.topic 260
User-defined size.
.topic 270
16x16 pixels.
.topic 280
32x32 pixels (standard).
.topic 290
64x64 pixels.
.topic 300
If checked, the icon/cursor will be transparent.
.topic 310
Double-click on color's indicator to force the program to select the first (0,0) pixel as transparent. The transparent checkbox must be checked.
.topic 320
Click Wizard's button and select a transparent color by the eyedrop.
.topic 330
X-coordinate of Hot Spot. Hot Spot is the location of the cursor pointer relative to the upper left corner of its rectangle.
.topic 340
Y-coordinate of Hot Spot. Hot Spot is the location of the cursor pointer relative to the upper left corner of its rectangle.
.topic 350
The method of compression.
.topic 360
Title of the image.
.topic 370
Author of the image.
.topic 380
Description of the image.
.topic 390
Specifies the start width of the fixed size rectangle.
.topic 400
Specifies the start height of the fixed size rectangle.
.topic 410
If checked, the menu capture includes the menu bar.
.topic 420
If checked, the capture contains the entire menu tree. Otherwise it contains only the popup menu located under the mouse cursor.
.topic 430
If checked, Mr. Captor tries to detect the menu bar width. Otherwise the menu bar width equals the total width of the entire menu capture.
.topic 440
The background color is intended only for non-rectangular regions.
.topic 450
Displays background color.
.topic 460
This option instructs Mr. Captor to include the image of mouse cursor into capture if the mouse cursor is inside the region.
.topic 470
This option instructs Mr. Captor to hide the main window before it starts the capture.
.topic 480
If checked, you will be prompted to specify the frame's name. Otherwise the frame will be saved in a specified directory and its name will be generated automatically.
.topic 481
If checked, a captured frame will be displayed in main window.
.topic 482
This option instructs to show the capture tooltips while a capture is started.
.topic 483
Delay between the sequential scrolls
.topic 484
Maximal size of image to capture
.topic 490
If checked, the program captures the frame using a previously selected region (repeating of the last capture). Otherwise the program captures a frame using previously selected region and saves it using frame's path and format settings.
.topic 500
CTRL modifier.
.topic 510
SHIFT modifier.
.topic 520
ALT modifier.
.topic 530
Select hotkey.
.topic 540
Activate/Deactivate hotkeys.
.topic 550
If checked and timer is started, the program captures the frames ans saves them inside the specified directory. Otherwise it captures the video in AVI format.
.topic 560
Interval between the captures.
.topic 570
Specifies the frame's graphical format.
.topic 580
If checked, starts the new capture series with the first number. Otherwise starts the new series with the last number+1.
.topic 590
This button invokes the Savings dialog to change the savings if needed.
.topic 600
Frame's path.
.topic 601
Click this button to select the frame's path.
.topic 610
If checked and timer is started, the program captures the video and saves it inside the specified directory. Otherwise it captures the frames.
.topic 620
Interval between the video frames.
.topic 630
Speed of video.
.topic 640
Video path.
.topic 650
Click this button to select the video path.
.topic 660
Instructs the program to put the image on the Clipboard as BITMAP.
.topic 670
Instructs the program to put the image on the Clipboard as Windows METAFILE.
.topic 680
Causes the image to be scaled before copy.
.topic 690
If checked, the image is copied to the Clipboard right after capture automatically. Otherwise you should perform Select All + Copy commands to copy the image to the Clipboard.
.topic 700
If checked, the program uses the Mspaint as the external image editor to edit an image. Otherwise you should set a full path to your editor in the next field.
.topic 710
The full path to your favorite image editor.
.topic 711
Click this button to select the path.
.topic 720
Uses MAPI for mail sending, if checked. Otherwise the program uses its own built-in SMTP-mail client.
.topic 730
If checked, image's pattern will be repeated in the browser. Otherwise you will see the only one copy of image.
.topic 740
Slide brightness slider to change the brightnes of the picture.
.topic 750
Slide contrast slider to change the contrast of the picture.
.topic 760
Reset settings.
.topic 770
Check RGB radio button to set the RGB color model.
.topic 780
Slide Red slider to change the red component of color.
.topic 790
Slide Green slider to change the green component of color.
.topic 800
Slide Blue slider to change the blue component of color.
.topic 810
Check HSL button to set the HSL color model.
.topic 820
Slide Hue slider to change the hue of color.
.topic 830
Slide Saturation slider to change the saturation of color.
.topic 840
Slide Lightness slider to change the lightness of color.
.topic 850
Slide Red slider to change the red component.
.topic 860
Slide Green slider to change the green component.
.topic 870
Slide Blue slider to change the blue component.
.topic 880
Reset settings.
.topic 890
Do nothing.
.topic 900
Reverses the image or selection so that what you see at the top will be at the bottom, and vice-versa.
.topic 910
Reverses the image or selection so that what you see at the left will be at the right, and vice versa.
.topic 920
Mirror + Flip
.topic 930
Rotates the image clockwise by 90 degrees.
.topic 940
Rotates the image counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
.topic 950
Do nothing.
.topic 960
Highlights the areas of contrast with black or white pixels and colors the low contrast areas a medium grey. Colors appear when there is a large difference in the contrast.
.topic 970
Removes the colors from an image and replaces each color with a grey matching its luminance value.
.topic 980
Posterize decreases the number of used colors and levels of lightness in the image. The result is a flatter-looking image with bands of color rather than smooth gradients.
.topic 981
Number of levels to use [2..255].
.topic 990
Blur softens the image. Notice, this method is available only for 32 bpp images.
.topic 1000
Replaces each pixel color with its opposite on the color space.
.topic 1010
Smoothes an image.
.topic 1011
Size of the n*n-Matrix.
.topic 1020
Threshold turns the image into a black-and-white image. All pixels whose brightness values are below the threshold level become black and all pixels whose brightness values are equal to or greater than the threshold level become white.
.topic 1021
Threshold level to use [1..255].
.topic 1030
Increases the contrast along the edges in the image.
.topic 1040
Median adjusts the intensity of each pixel to the median intensity of its surrounding pixels. Notice, you can apply this effect only to 24 and 32-bit images.
.topic 1041
Indicates the number of pixels around each pixel that are used to determine the median that replaces the pixel [1..30].
.topic 1050
Enhances the contrasts between light and dark in the image by darkening the image and then highlighting the edges.
.topic 1051
Factor of edge highlighting [0..100].
.topic 1060
Sharpens the image.
.topic 1061
Factor of sharpening [0..100].
.topic 1070
Filter Matrix
.topic 1080
Load filter.
.topic 1090
Save filter.
.topic 1100
SMTP server.
.topic 1110
SMTP server port.
.topic 1120
Sender's address.
.topic 1130
Recepient's address
.topic 1140
Subject of message.
.topic 1150
Message's text.
.topic 1160
Select how you wish to attach the image. You can attach the image as BMP, GIF, JPEG and PNG.
.topic 1170
If checked, the mail client uses authorization to connect to SMTP server. Consult your administrator about the server's settings.
.topic 1180
User's name.
.topic 1190
User's password.
.topic 1200
Click OK button to send the mail.
.topic 1210
Click Cancel button to cancel sending.
.topic 1220
Click Savings button to alter current savings. The savings affect sending image.